Sunday, January 13, 2008



did you know that people are more beautiful, exponentially when they smile? you even feel more beautiful when you smile, or at least i do. kind of like convincing the inside to come to the outside for a little while.

funny thing. when people fall off the edge or jump into a hole on super mario brothers, i always catch my breath and my heart races a little bit. people run into things, no big deal. get eaten by turtle-ducks. no sweat. but falling, almost falling, jumping from mushroom to mushroom, spanning caverns and gaping holes. NERVE WRACKING.

and the wii is the new bane of my existence. takes up much mental energy. woot.


Jami Lyn said...

You are too cute. Oh how I love thee!

Jelly said...

Turtle-duks. My new favorite thing ever. And you have a wii?! Can I play? :)

Sarah Marie said...

Nonna, I will see you tomorrow! It's true!