i was walking down the street this afternoon in delano, heading back to my car after a totally unnecessary shopping (ad)venture. that's when this idea hit me. i stopped and evaluated myself for a moment.
eeeeeiiirch. just a helpful hint, don't evaluate yourself in the middle of the street, even if you are in a crosswalk. burnt rubber. mmm. brake smell. add that to the evaluation.
weird army-green athletic type jacket from a ski trip on which i never skied.
hot pink vinyl loafers.
recently procured orange wool gloves from the hat store.
mmmmm. lemon grass lip balm from the nice lady at the red store.
check, and double check.
hair that never really dried quite right, no make up, and black plastic rimmed glasses.
it occurred to me that i probably look like someone incredibly mysterious and inspiringly cool...intriguing and endearingly quirky.
then again i may look more like crazy mike's girlfriend.
it's possible that my mumbling/humming, and excessive applications of lip balm made out of foliage might point observers in the direction of the latter. also standing in a crosswalk looking up at the sky tends to encourage doubts about a person's mental faculties.
but i suppose today i'll go with mysterious and endearing.
Holy Calling ACFC
5 years ago
I love the way your write. If I could eat your words, I would. They are so delicious.
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