Sunday, September 26, 2010

i'm a buffalo soldier

i think of all the types of days i've encountered over the years, cloudy ones with a touch of wind are my favorite. you know, the long pants, light sweatshirt, and maybe a scarf or two, types. a little sigh just escaped as i sat down. my menagerie strewn about me, books, pens, grapes. sitting in the window. gorgeous fall colors all around. settling in for the long haul. this is my home for real. no matter where home is.

i think my heart is more able to be quiet because of the glorious blessings of the morning. i woke up early. early enough to make a couple of loaves of banana-peach chocolate chip bread (which i can personally testify to you, is quite delicious). i was wondering at the idea that waiting for things to bake is sacred time. it's time when focus on much else will cause catastrophe, and you are granted that span of moments to bask in the smell and feel of creating something (and the lovely proof that you are not totally bereft of talent at that whole being a woman thing, ahem). so i can check that off the list. of all the things i cannot or have not made, i am a madwoman with fruit breads involving bananas :)

my next appointment of the day was to speak to a sunday school class for some friends of mine. they wanted to hear about bolivia and what i have been up to the past couple of years. i was terrified. now, keep in mind, particularly if you are one of the lovely ladies who invited me, that the last time i spoke for a sunday school class at my church, i was sharply reprimanded and sent out as soon as i was done, for taking up time (that was alloted to me, i didn't ask for it), by a horrifying woman who has no sense of social propriety or company manners. yes, kids, that sometimes happens at church. so i came into this, knowing logically that these were my friends, but feeling a little jumpy at the same time. only to find....

i have never felt such peace and welcome in my life! loralee and carissa..... if you read, you have to know that your interest in my life and support for me and for my project are what makes it possible for me to hold on like i do. you help me be what you admire most about me. so thank you :) from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

so now here i sit. ready to contemplate the meaning of life (ha). and bask in every kind of provision as it has been granted to me. glory be!

here's a picture of the joy of my heart to brighten your day as you go....


Unknown said...

agree with you? i like what you have to say.

hijack my blog for your own advertisement? yes you did.

thanks for stopping by though...