you know how people use the symbol keys to cuss when they don't want to actually write the word? well if this makes any sense...i feel like a jumble of those symbols all together. not with the cussing, per say, just agitated and explicit. i'm feeling explicit.
!@^#!@%^! <-- me
the # feels particularly applicable i suppose. sharp and serious. cross, if you will.
my brain is about to overthrow me, i think. maybe have a recount or just a whole new election (iran, you feel me, right?) (which would make me mahmoud ahmedinejad). (inappropriate over-use of ( )'s) ((( y) ) ((e) ) (s??))
listening to keren ann can only make you so calm, before you begin to resent the beauty of it all. here you are, stewing in a giant vat of ugly, and keren ann has the nerve to croon lovely melodies and catchy chord progressions in your ear. there's something oddly juxtaposed about all of it. but maybe that's how my heart hasn't jumped out and flopped about all nimbly-bimbly on the floor yet. she's lowering my blood pressure.
i sometimes forget that the whole world doesn't know how important i believe every detail of my life is. so when i'm going through something traumatic and staring down a harsh and complicated future, and someone doesn't afford me the appropriate courtesy, i tend to want to snap their head off and play soccer with it.
unfair as it may seem, since this person clearly had no idea how upset i already was, i still had to restrain a POWERFUL urge to rain down the fire of heaven on the head of said person, and remove the bowels with my pinky nail and a hammer.
now do you see why my brain is about to institute a mutiny? when did i ever feel homicidal to the point of bowel removal???
lord preserve my sanity, as i make entirely too big of a deal out of small things, and worry fruitlessly about them until their arrival.
and to you in iran, stick it to the man!!!
Holy Calling ACFC
5 years ago
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