i've been thinking about contentment. what makes us "happy".
happy is such a fleeting feeling. it's so temporary, so transient. and it comes from such small things so much of the time.
but i am sitting here wondering why i am not always content. you know, the deep abiding happiness. the kind that feels warm and full even when you step in dog poo and have to push your own car up a hill as people drive by and honk. yeah.
i am so loved.
i am completely free.
i am always provided for.
a song that fits so perfectly into my soul that it molds into my bones and becomes me. a cup of coffee in front of me, and the blessed money to buy it. a bright and romantic future full of adventure and the freedom to chase it furiously. and those are just the big things...
i was genuinely smiled at by a stranger. there's a bird with purple wing feathers on the railing outside. i feel comfortable in my own skin, just for a moment.
i don't mind when people say that i see things with "child-like wonder". because when i lose my awe and wonder i wilt. i feel like i was made to reflect the grandiose, the glorious. the seemingly insignificant things that surround us.
i like to think it's charming :)
i wish you to really see the things around you. contentment is so very possible.
Holy Calling ACFC
5 years ago
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