so, disgusto is rearing his ugly head again.
actually, to be truthful, his head is not ugly. he's quite normal looking. the head just seems ugly when it's following you around and saying inappropriate things without warning after a week of silence.
a new level of inappropriate. that is what we have reached.
i'm blushing in anticipation of what i will report to you. which could be proof of it's severity. or of my prudish nature. or both (?)
to preface this, i will say that if you really knew me, you'd know that i sometimes (okay, usually) say suggestive or provocative things without realizing it. i like to think of it as charming naivety, but for some it has been a source of frustration, and often leads to miscommunication. particularly with the opposite sex.
so my facebook status said i was flushed and fluttery. speculation was widespread and diverse as to why. i was completely unaware of what i had implied. but disgusto's response to said status report was the most interesting and subsequently inappropriate of all, making me oh-so-aware of exactly what i had said.
to sum it up: "you know, i could make you flushed."
well alrighty then. gulp.
sparing you the gory details, and my need to stop crawling out of my skin, i'll let your imagination run with this. it was a 20 minute, one-sided conversation. much do you love the new season of the office already??? (avoid...)
Holy Calling ACFC
5 years ago
Oh, I love the new season of The Office. I wish NBC would hurry up and release episode two already on the internets. I wanna seeeee it! Whatever is going to happen with Angela and Andy/Dwight?! What's it going to be like when Jan has a baby? Is this the last season?
Thanks for asking,
Jones :~)
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