so the funny thing is, stevie ray and i were driving through a HUGE puddle last night in one of the lulls during the rainstorms.
he was proving to me that driving quickly through them is the way to get to the other side. much more effective than going slowly and dying out in the middle. floating downstream and crashing. horrible. flames. waves. water everywhere. blood. okay, maybe not blood.
so we made it through on the way to the store to buy dinner, and it was way fun. glorious good times. on the way home, to see how far the water had gone down, we took 13th again. upon re-entering the puddle pond, we were full speed ahead when we spotted the car coming from the other direction. the driver's side window was down!!!
we watched in horror as our truck threw a giant tsunami of water directly into the gaping window of the other driver. and then....
LAUGHTER! holy moses. that was beautiful.
driving away, i couldn't help but wonder...did that person complain and whine about getting wet? probably. realistically though, when one drives through a puddle pond into oncoming traffic with the window down, what right does one have to complain about the water thrown at them?
a commentary on life and human behavior perhaps?
Holy Calling ACFC
5 years ago
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