so, i have to tell you... i talked about my bird, teapot, that i got a month or two ago.
i lost him under the couch last night! it was very stressful. i am just getting to the place where i can get him out and hold him (despite his frequent and voluminous objections) and we don't scare eachother to death. and then he jumps (do birds jump???) out/off of my hand and after a few cute little hop fly scuttles, makes a b-line for under the couch. crumb. he was hard to find. and i didn't want to squish his little cuteness with the legs of the couch by moving it to make him easier to find.
eventually he hopped out from behind it and tried to hide behind my guitar, which was MUCH easier to move without murdering him accidentally. we reached a screeching biting agreement and he went to sleep with a cleaner mirror and new treats to eat while he recovered from his adventure and subsequent heart attack(s).
Holy Calling ACFC
5 years ago