well, i'm nervous. wringing my hands. what do you say in your first ever real blog? my eyes shifting, i look over my right shoulder. it took me nearly eleventy-billion years to pick a name for this thing. i finally swallowed hard a few minutes ago and hit the save button on "captivating persephone" but i'm still a little concerned that some part of the word captivating might mean something dastardly and deplorable in the slang language of a tribe just outside of timbuktu, but only when combined with a word ending in "phone" and used on the last monday of any month consisting of 30 days.
all irrationalities aside, here's what i've decided that you should know. i chose persephone because she is me, and who i want to be. she is the goddess of innocence and receptivity. she was stolen away and hidden, but even then, as queen of the underworld, a circumstance she did not choose for herself, she shone with grace and beauty, bringing brilliance to that darkness. i feel like we'd be sisters if she were here. i bet she didn't like to cook, pay bills, or shave her legs either.
i chose captivating for the simple reason that i have been captivated. if you saw my left wrist, you'd see characters spelling out the greek word for bond slave. i'm not embarassed to admit that i am absolutely taken with god. possessed. driven to distraction for love of him. i made my commitment. i chose to belong first to him for the rest of forever. it is not easy to captivate me. i won't be taken quietly. imagine captivating grace and light. kidnapping is really your only solution.
so there you have it. i like to write. understatement. i love to write. but i expect it to mean little to most people. this is a space to regurgitate the cacophony that wanders about in my mind.
Holy Calling ACFC
5 years ago
dear friend, I just wanted you to know that I have a blogspot too. :-)
Yes I noticed that! I am good. how are you?
are you going to be at the pub thing tomorrow night?
I hope I'm not one of the people that was suppose to mean little to. You kidnapped your words exquisetly*. Sounds like your headed in the "write" direction.
* Spelling may, or may not be correct.*
Welcome to the sphere. Enjoy you're stay. I've added you to my blogroll. In your first day, you have achieved an honor to which many aspire, but few attain.
Well done friend. Well done.
I'm enjoying your writing! And let me just say, you have the best taste in music ever. :-)
Well done! . . . You'll have to explain why this is a "real" blog and Xanga, MySpace, etc. are not.
May your future continue to be one of risks not turned away from.
Well put. Cheers to things yet to be said that will surely resonate in the hearts of many!
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