well, it's been a couple of months, and neither of them the least bit uneventful, i might add.
i'm living in south wichita now, with two of my favorite friends, and couple of sweet kids. great kids. they light up my entire day, even when they're being ornery. and boy can they be ornery.
i love not being alone. i love that chris brings home the best music from the library. i love that i get to do natasha's hair and help her pick out clothes. and when ester helps me put on my make up in the morning and "brush" my hair. i love it when justice is sleepy and just lays his head lazily on my shoulder in the morning before his nap, staring out the window.
if you don't have a family, you should look into finding one. sometimes the best ones just appear :)
i've been pulled in so many directions these past few weeks. just feeling really lost and out of control. my life seems to be scheduled down to the half hour by everyone else's needs and desires, and i get to decide occasionally if i would rather do what they want or make them angry and hide. so this morning i hid.
i woke up leisurely, to a text from a friend who had imbibed a little extra last night, to put it delicately. she remembered seeing me. gosh, i miss her. then i put on some sweats, and emerged into the pre-wedding craziness in the living room. love it :)
after pulling little pre-chewed pieces of apple out of ester's hair, rescuing justice from the potty stool, flipping natasha's hair out with the straightener, and finally locating the overwhelmed and hiding kinley (dog), my family left for the wedding. god speed.
now i am blissfully stationed at the kitchen table. still in my pajamas at noon fifteen. eating peanut butter toast, drinking bolivian coffee, listening to wilco, and watching the birds out in the back yard. little red flowers are waving randomly in the grass, and the wind is just cool enough that i am contemplating whether or not i can get away with a scarf today.
this is the perfect remedy for what ails me. whatever it is, it doesn't stand a chance this morning. all that's left is for me to get showered and dressed, and head up to watermark books to begin replenishing the parched wasteland that is my brain.
Holy Calling ACFC
5 years ago